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Raising Future Parents
Dr. Stanley Mukolwe
KES 1,000
Raising the Next Generation
Rev. John Mahon & Dr. Stanley Mukolwe
KES 500
Courageous Parenting
David Hutchins
KES 1,500
Peers without Pressure:
Journal 2
P.M. Mukolwe
KES 500
Peers without Pressure:
Journal 3
P.M. Mukolwe
KES 500
Peers without Pressure:
Journal 4
P.M. Mukolwe
KES 500
Peers without Pressure:
Journal 5
P.M. Mukolwe
KES 500
The Story of Me:
God's Design for Sex book 1
Stan & Brenna Jones
KES 1,150
Before I was Born:
God's Design for Sex book 2
Stan & Brenna Jones
KES 1,150
What's the big deal?
God's Design for Sex book 3
Stan & Brenna Jones
KES 1,000
Facing the Facts:
God's Design for Sex book 4
Stan & Brenna Jones
KES 1,000
How and When to tell your kids about Sex:
Parents Guide
Stan & Brenna Jones
KES 1,450
The DNA of Relationships
Dr. Gary Smalley
KES 1,950
From Anger to Intimacy: How forgiveness can Transform your Marriage
Dr. Gary Smalley & Ted Cunningham
KES 1,300
Rooted in Christ Book 1&2 :
How to be sure of your Relationship with God
KES 180
Rooted in Christ Book 3&4 :
God's plan for your life
KES 180
Rooted in Christ Book 5&6 :
Serving Christ
KES 180
Golden Bells
Scripture Union of Kenya
KES 590